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Health benefits of traditionally fermented milk-Part 2

Health benefits of traditionally fermented milk Read the first part of this article here Lowering cholesterol Presence of high cholesterol in the blood stream of humans has been recognised as a risk factor in the coronary heart diseases. Extensive studies have shown...

Health Benefits of traditionally fermented milk

Traditionally fermented milk can lower cholesterol and even prevent cancer. These health benefits were discovered by Dr. Maina, a Food Microbiologist from the Department of Food Science at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and technology. Maina analysed Kule...

Microwave oven Kills Nutrients – Who should we Believe

The claim that: microwave oven kill nutrients is believed and even circulated to friends and loved  ones warning them of the dangers of microwave oven. Who is right? Which part of the story should we believe? The root of all evil A simple search of ‘microwave kills...